27 dicembre, 2012

Back to digital painting

It's been a while since I've made a portrait.
Creating this blog actualy took me a lot of time and effort and I had to do it between work and training routine.
But painting it's always been somehow a stress relief for me, and now that the blog is done, I don't have to go to work and I'm training free for a couple of weeks, guess I can relax and put my mind on some other projects.
This is a project I started for an italian rap artist Daniboy make sure to follow him on twitter  too

1 commento:

  1. Continuo ad essere ammirato per la tua capacità di tratteggiare i caratteri distintivi di una persona o un personaggio di fantasia con pochi semplici (si fa per dire) tratti di matita ... tuo nonno sarebbe molto orgoglioso di te se potesse vedere i tuoi disegni e i tuoi schizzi
